About Capt. Tricia


Capt. Tricia's Resume


An Accomplished
Sailing, Teaching and Counselling


On the boating side of my life, I have sailed my own boats since 1979, lived aboard 14 years, full-time cruised 4 years, single-handed since 1985 and taught 'women only' sailing courses since 1987. My qualifications include USCG Captain's Licence, Canadian Yachting Association, International Sail and Power Association and American Sailing Association Instructor's Certifications, and Canadian Power & Sail Squadron courses to celestial navigation Государственная Третьяковская Галерея в Москве. The North and South Pacific, Bahamas, Bermuda, Caribbean, Mexico, East and West Coast U.S., as well as my home waters of British Columbia, have been my cruising grounds.

On the self-awareness side of my life, I have a B.A. in Psychology, a B.Sc. in Nutrition and many years of experience in one-on-one counseling and small group instruction. My knowledge and skill in the personal awareness field comes from personal healing experiences as well as studying and working with various international experts in the field.

My personal experience best explains how I combined all aspects of my life into a unique training program and a unique book, Sailing in Balance: A Boat and Sail Handling Manual for Women and Their Shipmates. When I sailed with my ex-partner I didn't feel capable or confident of taking my boat away from the dock. Two months after we separated, I was single-handing. There was no increase in my sailing knowledge or skill--just a change in attitude and inner confidence.

My purpose is to share how I effected that change and to enhance women's confidence, self-esteem and belief in themselves. Based on the understanding of what women need on a boat, my training program, seminars and Sailing in Balance: A Boat and Sail Handling Manual for Women and Their Shipmates  have been very effective for well over a thousand women and hundreds of men.


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This site was last updated 01/21/11