Book Reviews


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Book Reviews


Comments from Readers of

A Boat and Sail Handling Manual

for Women and Their Shipmates

Very detailed yet easy to follow and work with.  Jackie S.

Very informative  I have read it in full three times and will keep reading it!  Diana Y.

Clear and easy to understand.  Ute W.

Excellent!  Jan B.

It covers all aspects of sailing!  Richelle S.

Clear descriptions with good examples.  Ann-Marie S.

A great reference manual.  I'll use it often.  Kate S.

Very thorough content, excellent reference.  Joan N.

Well explained, good reasoning, concise and well written.  Joy M.

Very well written with great examples and great diagrams.  Michaelle Ann R.

I appreciated the level of detail.  Doreen M.

I really appreciated the organization and illustrations.  Very useable and it will be used.  Bettianne G.

Easy to read, step-by-step instructions that cover the areas I most often need to refer to.  Lisa B.

Sailing in Balance gave a good overview and explained the "whys" in a clear way... provided understanding.  Betty W.

Very comprehensive with lots of visuals or hands on portions, i.e., figuring out tides and currents... Mostly it was a step-by-step progression, theory first, physical applications second which made it feel very logical.  Lynne C.

Explained very well.  Enjoyable reading actually... Seems to cover everything without being onerous to read.  Krista V.


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